Thursday, December 24, 2015

Selena Gomez: Justin Bieber’s Kourtney Kardashian Hookups Ruining Christmas

Selena Gomez: Justin Bieber’s Kourtney Kardashian Hookups Ruining Christmas

Kourtney Kardashian Justin Bieber Ruining Christmas

Justin Bieber sure picked the wrong time of the year to hook up with Kourtney Kardashian. The news is really bringing down his ex Selena Gomez’s Christmas spirit, and not even having Niall Horan’s heart can uplift her, has EXCLUSIVELY learned

Selena Gomez, 23 should be completely on top of the world

 right now, as she’s had an incredible 2015 with her second

 album Revival and has a hot new man Niall Horan, 22. But 

the news that her ex Justin Bieber, 21, and Kourtney

 Kardashian, 36, are having hot hookups has totallykilled her

 holiday has EXCLUSIVELY

 learned that not even the affections of the One

 Direction singer can pick her up from her Bieber blues.
“Having Niall in her life is a big help but it can’t erase the fact
 that her heart is still hurting over Justin,” our insider adds.
 We were really hoping she’d fall hard for the boy bander and
 get Justin out of her system once and for all, but it looks like
 his fling with Kourtney has really hit her hard emotionally,
 just when she’d finally found someone new!

As we told you Dec. 22, Selena reportedly lost it when she 

found out what Kourtney and Justin were up to. She flipped

 out on Kourtney and reportedly called her up, according

 to InTouch; then she sent Justin a flurry of angry texts

. “Selena was texting Justin and expressed how used she

 felt, since they’d just hooked up around the time of the

 American Music Awards. But his response was, ‘You how

 how this business works,’ meaning he did it for the

 publicity.”Ouch! We can see why she’d be hurting over the

 news, especially since Justin was acting like he wanted her

 back when he sang

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